Timea M Kiraly

About the Author

Hey there! I'm Timea M. Kiraly, rocking the solo mom gig by choice. Born under the Mexican sun thanks to my diplomat dad, I grew up with a suitcase in one hand and a map in the other. Madrid was my playground, but Hungary? Not so much my jam. I always had my heart set on Spain, but life, that cheeky little thing, had other plans.

So, here I am, living the dream (for real!) in a spot that's like a postcard come to life. Think stunn...

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Luck of the Irish? More Like Mom's Magic in Éire!

Timea M Kiraly

Timea M Kiraly

Ever wondered what it's like to hit the refresh button on life and land in a whole new world of awesomeness? That's my tale – from scraping by to thriving in a place so perfect, it feels like I stumbled into a better version of reality, snagging that elusive Zen along the way.

Imagine packing up your life and your nine-year-old sidekick with nothing but a few bucks and a bucketful of bravery, ready to conquer unknown territories without a roadmap. That's me, switching careers on a whim and single-handedly steering my ship through life's hurricanes.

Why Ireland, you ask? Because that's where the magic happened – where I found the missing pieces of my puzzle. Life's never been a walk in the park for me. My stories? They're like roller coasters – never dull, always a twist waiting around the bend. And boy, do I like to keep things moving!

Going solo's my style, but when push comes to shove, I've got a handful of golden friends who've got my back. Yet, I'm all about facing challenges head-on, all by myself. And guess what? It works.

My bestie says drop me on an ice floe, and I'd not only survive, I'd come back throwing a party. She's not wrong. I'm the roach of resilience – but like, in a cute way. Ready to dive into my world of whirlwind changes, unexpected joys, and the pursuit of my personal Zen? Let's roll!


Timea M Kiraly

Timea M Kiraly



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